Our Parish and COVID-19

Update July, 2021

Services are open to anyone not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. The service registration form has been decommissioned.

Given we spend hours together in a space with relatively poor air circulation, we ask that everyone continue to wear masks during divine services.

We also encourage all who are able to get a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the clergy of the parish are fully vaccinated.

Update May, 2021

Starting May of 2021, we announced that service registration is now optional but highly encouraged to support contact tracing.

We still require everyone to wear masks and have not resumed full trapeza meals or in-person Sunday School sessions. We hope to provide more opportunities for mutual instruction in the near future.

Original Post

In the spring of 2020, we sent out multiple emails regarding our response to the coronavirus pandemic:

Our response has remained mostly the same since. We ask everyone to:

  • Register to attend services (for contact tracing)
  • Wear a mask at all times
  • Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is

These precautions, combined with basic cleaning, hygiene, and attempts to keep appropriate social distance, have resulted in a healthy parish environment. We have never had to close our doors due to infection and have been able to offer the Mysteries throughout this difficult time.

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