Originally Published: March 16, 2021 One of the catechumens in this group asked about fasting. In case anyone else is uncertain of how we fast during the Great Lent, here are things for your consideration. Fasting Fr. Anastasy included the following words of St. John Chrysostom on the March Pocket…
Fr. Daniel Gregoire
Catechesis from Afar: Thy Sins are Remitted
Originally Published: March 4, 2021 I received several replies from catechumens in this group on the topics presented last time, all of which were wonderful to receive and were written with evident love of God and seriousness toward the subjects. Rather than barrel ahead into the next parts of Genesis,…
Catechesis from Afar: God and Man
Originally Published: December 29, 2020 Forgive me for the great chasm of time between last email and this. If you recall, we had left the Gospel according to St. Luke for now and gone back to the beginning, to the book of Genesis. By now I expect many of you…
Catechesis from Afar: The Church
Originally Published: August 20, 2020 Thank you, again, to those who shared their initial journeys to the Orthodox faith. These experiences raise the question: What is it that draws us to God? Alexander Kalomiros provides one perspective on this in his work Nostalgia for Paradise: The Christian life is a…
Catechesis from Afar: A Many-Lighted Heaven
Originally Published: July 16, 2020 At the very end of every Divine Liturgy at our parish, we sing these two hymns before we break for the meal at trapeza: The Church is shown to be a many-lighted heaven, That doth shine a guiding light upon all them that do believe,…
Partakers of the Light

NB: From our print bulletin for the months of May & June. See the Service Schedule page for June's schedule. The Church is adorned with Light! Her Bridegroom has appeared, more beautiful than all creation and more radiant than the sun, risen from the dead and raising all of creation…
Bestowing Life

You can download the May Pocket Calendar here or you can visit our Schedule Page. May the Light of Christ shine on all this Paschal season! We revel in the Resurrection for 40 days, chanting hymns that declare Christ's triumph over death for us: Christ is risen from the dead,…
The Light of Christ

Out of the night my spirit waketh at dawn unto Thee, O God, for Thy commandments are a light upon the earth.