22 posts by

Fr. Daniel Gregoire

Prayers for Those in Ukraine

During this time of tremendous hardship and suffering for our brothers  and sisters in Christ in Ukraine, let us as Orthodox Christians apply ourselves to prayer. Last Sunday and at every service since the new violence began, we have  prayed the following as a community, and you are encouraged to…

Service Schedule 2022 February

You can download the February Pocket Calendar or you can visit our Schedule Page. Tomorrow we will read the Gospel lesson about Zaccheus, which signals that the period of the Triodion and Great Lent are fast approaching! Next weekend, the Triodion will be processed from the iconostasis to the chanter's…

Church New Year

Church New Year

Some call the Dormition of the Most-holy Theotokos our "Summer Pascha." Having witnessed Christ honoring His mother by accompanying her soul into heaven and raising up her body after her dormition, we now celebrate a "Summer New Year," since the Church year begins on September 1. What kind of resolutions…

New Construction

By God's grace and the generosity and efforts of so many in our parish family, we have been able to resume construction efforts at the church. Replacement of the corridor and old church roofs has been completed. The hallway is now well lit, with both electrical lighting and skylights installed.…